During the MUST-a-Lab journey, the participants brought to light the difficulties that people with a migratory background face in daily life. At the same time, in the third policy lab, young people and stakeholders wrote numerous Recommendations to the Municipal Administration and local authorities, suggesting concrete actions to make Modena a more welcoming and inclusive city.
The main themes of the Recommendations are: information and access to services, learning Italian language, labor law and housing, sport as a tool for integration, volunteering and jobs for students.
Among the many proposed actions we can list: the creation of a map for the orientation of migrants, the organization of free Italian courses for foreigners and training for volunteers who teach Italian as L2, the creation and promotion of free sports areas, the realization of intercultural events, the training of association staff regarding anti-racism.
The participants of the policy labs launched a challenge to the Municipality of Modena which promptly accepted: on 8 March 2024 the Municipal Council, with Resolution n. 94/2024, has received the Recommendations, committing to collaborate with local stakeholders to bring the requests emerging from MUST-a-Lab, to include the suggested actions in the programmatic plans and to keep the dialogue with citizens with a migratory background.
MUST-a-Lab has opened a new season of local inclusion policies, giving the Municipal Administration new tools to listen and improve the daily lives of people with different geo-cultural origins.