The event will take place in Grenoble on June 5th, 2024
The workshop, hosted by the Grenoble-Alpes-Métropole, foresees a day of stimulating discussions centered around the theme of “Co-designing Local Integration Policies as an Experiment of Participatory Democracy“.
Throughout the day, participants will have the opportunity to actively engage in a series of thought-provoking sessions designed to foster dialogue, share insights, and co-create innovative solutions. From the introductory sessions to participatory policy-making and peer learning moments dedicated to local elected representatives, the workshop will encourage active participation and interaction among all attendees.
Participants will be able to enjoy further exchanges during the buffet lunch and a social dinner in the evening. In the mean time, you can check the travel and stay advice document, where you will find a series of suggestions for your time in Grenoble
Please note that the venue will be communicated to registered participants via email closer to the event date. If interested, you are kindly invited to register by May 20, 2024.